Submission Guidelines
Each participant will be allowed to submit only one contribution as a presenter (either a symposium talk, regular talk, blitz-talk, or poster). Being a chair or presenting at a pre-conference satellite event or workshop does not count toward this limit. This also does not exclude the possibility of being a non-presenting co-author on multiple submissions.
Abstracts should include the standard elements, that is, Introduction, Method, Results, and Conclusion. These sections do not need to be explicitly labelled. Please ensure that your abstract contains a clear description of your rationale and methods. In the case where work is still in progress (e.g., ongoing data collection), please make this clear when writing about your results by using appropriate language, such as by writing in the present tense or indicating that results are preliminary.
The sessions will be organised according to the following themes, of which you should choose a maximum of three for your submission: attention/cognitive control, applied cognition, consciousness, cognitive ageing, cognitive development, cognitive plasticity, computational modelling, decision making, embodied cognition, emotion, individual differences, language/bilingualism, learning/memory, metacognition, motor cognition, neuroscience, numerical/mathematical cognition, reading/writing, reasoning/problem solving, robotics/AI, sensation/perception, social cognition, statistics/methodology.
Key Information
Submission period: 15 January 2025 - 15 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2025
ESCOP 2025 welcomes the following types of contributions:
Regular talk: A regular oral presentation with accompanying slides consisting of a 15-min talk + 5 mins for questions. This type of contribution is ideal for multi-study papers or to present results of larger projects. Regular talks will be grouped in sessions with 4 to 6 talks, typically addressing a similar theme.
Blitz talk: Blitz-talks are concise contributions of a 5-min talk + 5 min for questions, accompanied by slides. This format is ideal to present the results of a single study, new data for discussion, replication studies, or multiple studies that are easy to follow. Each blitz-talk session will consist of up to 6 presentations.
Poster: Each poster session will last 1 hour and 30 min. Posters are an ideal way to summarise research in a concise and visually attractive way. They also provide ample time for one-to-one discussions. Authors should prepare a short 3-5 min spiel of their poster. Posters should be prepared in A0 size, portrait format (1180 mm height x 841 mm width).
Submission Requirements
Please include the following information:
Title (max 150 characters with spaces)
Presenter and any co-author(s): Name, affiliation, and email address
Abstract (max 1250 characters with spaces)
Keywords (max 5)
Themes (max 3): see above
Preferred format to be considered (check all that apply):
Regular talk*
Blitz talk*
* If you select only one or both of these options but your abstract is not selected for this type of communication, then your submission will be considered as a poster presentation.
Review Process
Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. The main criteria for acceptance will be the scientific quality of the proposals/submissions, followed by the diversity of the topics (to ensure an even representation of themes in the conference) and geographic representation. For symposia, we will also consider the diversity of speakers (different universities and geographic locations) as well gender balance of the proposed panel. Finally, preference will be given to ESCOP members.